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Reading a Schematic

How to Read a Schematic - learn.sparkfun.com -


R1 - Resistor
C1 - Capacitor
L1 - Inductor
S1 - Switch
D1 - Diode
Q1 - Transistor
U1 - Integrated Circuit
IC1 - Integrated Circuit
J1 - Header
JP1 - Jumper/Connector
T1 - Transformer
K1 - Relay
LS1 - Speaker/Buzzer
M1 - Motor
F1 - Fuse
BAT1 DC AC VCC 5V v+ - Power Source
GND - Ground

Reverse Engineer Circuit Board

How to reverse engineer a schematic from a circuit board - http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-reverse-engineer-a-schematic-from-a-circuit/

Drawing Software

Free Software Options:

"The ExpressPCB CAD software is very easy to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional. Best of all, its FREE. "

Free Online Options:




Fritzing - http://fritzing.org/

"Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to work creatively with interactive electronics. We are creating a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering an ecosystem that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teach electronics in a classroom, and layout and manufacture professional pcbs."
