Oracle/Database/Oracle 11g SLES Install

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Oracle 11g SLES Install

Note: Oracle 11g R1 is not officially supported on SLES 11. Either use SLES 10 or perform the hack described later on.


This article describes the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES). The steps are based off a server installation with a minimum of 2G swap, secure Linux disabled, and the following packages installed along with default packages:

  • Oracle Server Base
  • C/C++ Compiler and Tools

Download Software

Download the following software from

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) Software

Hardware Requirements

The system must meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

Requirement Minimum Value
System RAM:				1024 MB
Swap space Approx.:			twice the size of RAM
Disk space in /tmp:			1024 MB
Disk space for software files:		4 GB
Disk space for database files:		1.7 GB

Hosts File

Edit the /etc/hosts file to contain a fully qualified name for the server:

 <IP-address>  <fully-qualified-machine-name>  <machine-name>

Oracle Install prerequisites

1. The account for oracle user is disabled. Please enable it by editing the file /etc/passwd

Change the shell for the "oracle" user from "/bin/false" to "/bin/bash"

2. Set a new password for user “oracle” i.e.

# /usr/bin/passwd oracle

and specify new password

NOTE: You can use SUSE setup tool YaST to accomplish above tasks.

3. Default Oracle environment set by orarun

Make sure the Oracle home directory ORACLE_HOME variable is set to: ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11gR1/db in /etc/profile.d/ file

4. Modify following parameters to meet Oracle 11g kernel requirements

Modify the following lines of the /etc/sysconfig/oracle file:

#IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE="1024 65000" (comment old entry)
IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE="9000 65000"

#WMEM_MAX=262144 (comment old entry)

#FILE_MAX_KERNEL=131072 (comment old entry)

#AIO_MAX_SIZE=262144 (comment old entry)

Modify the following lines of the /etc/init.d/oracle file:

#        test -f /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-size && echo "  AIO_MAX_SIZE=${AIO_MAX_SIZE:-262144}" (commented old entry)
#        test -f /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-size && echo ${AIO_MAX_SIZE:-262144} > /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-size (commented old entry)
#        test -f /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-size || echo (commented old entry)

        test -f /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr && echo "  AIO_MAX_SIZE=${AIO_MAX_SIZE:-1048576}"
        test -f /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr && echo ${AIO_MAX_SIZE:-1048576} > /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr
        test -f /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr || echo

5. Set the kernel parameters

# /usr/sbin/rcoracle start

Oracle Installation

login as oracle user

Run Oracle Universal installer :

# ./runInstaller

Click on OK for the Permissions error message

Make the Inventory Directory as /opt/oracle/oraInventory instead of /opt/oraInventory as shown in screenshot

NOTE: You can ignore the OUI-18001: The operating system 'Linux Version SuSE-11' is not supported.

NOTE: You can select the check boxes for failed prerequisite checks and continue

Once the Database Configuration Assistance completes the db creation

login as root and run the below scripts


Post Installation

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/oracle file to set the parameter as:


Edit the /etc/oratab file entry corresponding to your database to 'Y':


If you want to start dbconsole services at boot-time, then set Listener (START_ORACLE_DB_LISTENER) and Enterprise Manager parameter (START_ORACLE_DB_EMANAGER) in /etc/sysconfig/oracle to yes.

Check the database using Enterprise Manager web interface https://[IP-address]:1158/em

 User Name: sys
 Password:  ******
 Connect as: sysdba


See [HDS Knowledgebase - Oracle 11g Installation on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES) (122)]



OUI-10035 You do not have permission to write to the inventory location. OR OUI-10033: The inventory locaiton /opt/oraInventory set by the previous installation session is no longer accessible. Do you still want to continue by creating a new inventory? Not that you may lose the products installed in the earlier session.

Checking operating system requirements... Expected result: One of enterprise-4,enterprise-5,redhat-4,redhat-5,SuSE-10,asianux-2,asianux-3 Actual Result: SuSE-11

Installation guide for SLES 11 and Oracle 11R2:

Installation guide for SLES 11 and Oracle 11R1:


oracle@sles10:~>cat /etc/SuSE-release

You can modify /etc/SuSE-release file.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (x86_64)

With SUSE 11 and Oracle 11g R1 you would change:

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)



Required Packages

Checking operating system package requirements ...
Checking for make-3.80; found make-3.81-128.20-i586.    Passed
Checking for binutils-; found binutils-2.19-11.28-i586.      Passed
Checking for gcc-4.1.0; found gcc-4.3-62.198-i586.      Passed
Checking for libaio-0.3.104; found libaio-0.3.104-140.22-i586.  Passed
Checking for libelf-0.8.5; Not found.   Failed <<<<
Checking for compat-libstdc++-5.0.7; Not found. Failed <<<<
Checking for libaio-devel-0.3.104; found libaio-devel-0.3.104-140.22-i586.     Passed
Checking for libgcc-4.1.0; Not found.   Failed <<<<
Checking for libstdc++-4.1.0; Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for libstdc++-devel-4.1.0; found libstdc++-devel-4.3-62.198-i586.     Passed
Checking for unixODBC-2.2.11; Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for unixODBC-devel-2.2.11; Not found.  Failed <<<<
Checking for sysstat-6.0.2; found sysstat-8.1.5-7.8-i586.       Passed

Checking operating system package requirements ...
Checking for make-3.80; found make-3.81-128.20-x86_64.  Passed
Checking for binutils-; found binutils-2.19-11.28-x86_64.    Passed
Checking for gcc-4.1.0; found gcc-4.3-62.198-x86_64.    Passed
Checking for gcc-c++-4.1.0; found gcc-c++-4.3-62.198-x86_64.    Passed
Checking for libaio-0.3.104; found libaio-0.3.104-140.22-x86_64.        Passed
Checking for libaio-32bit-0.3.104; found libaio-32bit-0.3.104-140.22-x86_64.   Passed
Checking for libelf-0.8.5; Not found.   Failed <<<<
Checking for compat-libstdc++-5.0.7; Not found. Failed <<<<
Checking for libaio-devel-0.3.104; found libaio-devel-0.3.104-140.22-x86_64.   Passed
Checking for libgcc-4.1.0; Not found.   Failed <<<<
Checking for libstdc++-4.1.0; Not found.        Failed <<<<
Checking for libstdc++-devel-4.1.0; found libstdc++-devel-4.3-62.198-x86_64.   Passed
Checking for sysstat-6.0.2; found sysstat-8.1.5-7.8-x86_64.     Passed
Checking for glibc-devel-2.4; found glibc-devel-2.9-13.2-x86_64.        Passed
Checking for glibc-devel-32bit-2.4; found glibc-devel-32bit-2.9-13.2-x86_64.   Passed